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Conditional formatting working on one row but not whole sheet
In the below example, in row 3 I want the cell in column A to highlight if the cells E, F, and G are blank. I can make it work for a single row: =AND(ISTEXT($A$4),(ISBLANK($E$4:$G:$4))) But not if I try to apply it to the sheet: =AND(ISTEXT($A:$A),(ISBLANK($E:$G))) I also tried to narrow it down to make sure rows 1 and 2 weren't causing problems: =AND(ISTEXT($A$3:$A$4),(ISBLANK($E$3:$G$4))) And based on other help articles, I tried removing all $, and just the $ before the row number, no change. How can I conditionally format my sheet so that in any given row, if there is text in column A and columns E, F, and G are blank, the cell in column A is highlighted? Thank you!1.9KViews0likes1Comment
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