Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesÚnete a nosotros para el Hackatón de Aplicaciones de Chat de IA ¿Quieres aprender a crear aplicaciones de chat de IA con RAG y Python? Únete a nuestro emocionante hackatón virtual y descubre cómo. ¡Regístrate hoy y participa en la innovación de la inte...生成式人工智能聊天应用黑客松 生成式人工智能聊天应用黑客松来了,大家不要错过这个机会,来参与这个全球的活动. 从 1 月 29 日到 2 月 12 日,我们将用英语和 普通话 举办直播,向开发者展示如何构建最受欢迎的 RAG 聊天示例,同时还会介绍基于 RAG 聊天应用程序背后的核心概念。 直播内容将包括向量搜索、权限控制、和使用基于多模态视觉的 GPT-4-turbo-vision。 O Hackathon de Chat Inteligente da Microsoft Prepare-se para o Hackathon de Chat Inteligente da Microsoft, de 29 de Janeiro até 12 de Fevereiro, participe da competição global com várias categorias e concorra a diversos prêmios! Microsoft Learn lança novo conteúdo de IA generativa para inovadores Você tem uma grande ideia para uma nova startup? Descubra como fazer isso uma realidade com Inteligência Artificial e os novos cursos do Microsoft Learn. ChatGPT and Beyond: Exploring the language model to build an intelligent search In this episode of the series "From Idea to A.I," the guests Pablo Lopes and Pamela Fox, talk about how to make language models smarter with RAGs and impactful they can be! The .NET Conf Student Zone is Back! We are excited to announce the return of the .NET Conf Student Zone at this year’s .NET Conf 2023. The Student Zone is beginner-friendly, virtual event where experts will teach you how to ...How to Easily Make Web Applications with Code-to-Cloud, Getting Apps in the Cloud Are you tired of the tedious and time-consuming process of web development on Azure? Check out Code-to-Cloud, the new preview service that simplifies and streamlines the process. With Code...