Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office PhoebeYuanPlease could you urgently confirm whether digital signatures applied to the VBA project of .xlsm files are vulnerable to the same signature spoofing attack highlighted in this article: ...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office Auto-run? Do you mean any code that's in the Workbook_Open event? I'm not sure how that is any less an example of 'removing features' than blocking macros on files originating from the Internet. Apar...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office Absolutely, I understand the need for users to add and remove worksheets for their own side calculations - but you can achieve this using macros attached to command buttons, whilst still keeping the ...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office praddsouzaThat does not entirely match up with my experience thus far when it comes to digital signatures and VBA projects. In the macro-enabled workbook that I manage, the VBA project is password-l...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office PhoebeYuanThe files will work, i.e. macros can be enabled, by applying one or more of the documented solutions. tpg017I don't think the workflow is all that complicated - you may be over-compli...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office Looks like the update was pushed to Message Center on the admin portal today: From a security perspective, this...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office Thanks for the update Angela Robertson, in one sense I'm glad it wasn't me just missing something obvious... but on the other hand, rolling back a recently implemented change in default behaviour wit...Re: Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office Is it just me or have Microsoft rolled this change back on the Current Channel? I was trying to reproduce the pinkish-red 'Security Risk... Learn More' notification in the Message Bar, in prepara...