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Re: Issue with converting google spreadsheet into excel
I apologize for the delayed response. i couldn't reply as I was traveling. yes, you have understood my requirement perfectly and it looks like the lookup formula mentioned above works perfectly as needed thankyou very much for your response.42KViews0likes0CommentsIssue with converting google spreadsheet into excel
Hello I have been working on google spreadsheets and recently had to convert it into an excel file; however the formulas for certain columns cudnt carry into excel as expected. Attached below is an excel document and my concern is on sheet - "Stock Summary USD". The units column 'L' seems to have got distorted and the formula is not functioning as intended. im assuming its because of a function called 'array formula' from google spreadsheet. Can anybody please have a look and guide me on how to resolve this issue. feel free to edit the excel sheet, if the formula is functioning properly the value of L13 in the "Stock Summary USD" sheet shud be 10. Thankyou for all your assistance.Solved43KViews0likes6CommentsRe: Caalculate Profiit and Loss column for multiple buy and sell entries of similar stock
Riny_van_Eekelen Hi Riny, thankyou for your reply and effort. i was studying the excel sheet and i understood what you have done, however i can you help me address the following query in the excel attached i have tweaked a little to show the "SELL "action p/l as realised P/L in the S column..lets consider the three transactions on rows 8,10 n 13....the idea is the first two buy transactions of Steel authority of India gives me a loss of ((-3100-5262.5=-8362.5) when i SELL Steel authority of India in the 13th row ...this loss of (-832.5 in S13) is a part of the -8362.5..( this -832.5 is realised out of -8362.5)..i hope I'm making sense. so now my overall position on steel authority of inida is -7530. with remaining 400 shares is thr any way i can show this (-7530) maybe in a different column for every script where I stand ? So for Steel authority of inida i stand at -7530 after three transactions ....similarly for every other stock.. my other query is the any way I can show the open transactions in yellow and if I sell all the quantities of a particular stock i had...then the row wud automatically turn back to white? yr input is highly appreciated. Thankyou very much Riny.23KViews0likes1CommentCaalculate Profiit and Loss column for multiple buy and sell entries of similar stock
Hello Thankyou for help in advance. i am currently working on a work system for my trading and I'm stuck at this point. i have multiple buy entries of one stock ..comprising multiple quantities...and I'm calculating the profit/ loss by subtracting my entry point from the actual live market price.(*quantity) But my issue is when Im selling a particular stock do I get the profit/ loss (for that particular sell quantity) based of on multiple buy of that stock before. for example in my below attached excel on sheet - "TRADE JOURNAL " the are multiple "buy" stocks initially and if you can see the in column Q i was able to calculate the current profit and loss by subtracting my entry price from the live current trading price * quantity ......but when I'm selling (SELL) In line 13, I'm afraid this logic will not work. when I'm selling ...i only enter my exit price and exit calculate the P/L the buy price shud be the average of all the entry prices of that particular stock before corresponding to the buy quantities...May be i wud need to segregate my P/L by realised and unrealized...can anybody please help me out in how to go about it. Feel free to edit the excel sheet if needed. My ultimate goal is to calculate the my current profit or loss (based on individual transactions) hope i make sense. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.Solved23KViews0likes3CommentsSummation of values based of on text values
Hello, would like yr assistance in my following requirement . Attached below is my tentative work sheet. My concern is on column L. I have never used this platform before so I will try to explain my requirement as descriptive as possible. Every transaction has a (buy open to sell close) or (sell open to buy close) mentioned on column D. Buy open to sell close in this case "buy open" on D12 and "Sell close " on D15 ... and correspondingly I would like to add the K column from k12 to k15 and show it on L15 ...HERE IN OUR CASE the answer is -9750. Similarly, I I would like to add from "sell open" to "buy close" in this case "sell open" on D16 and "buy close" is on D18 ...I would like to add corresponding all values between them in the K column from k16 to k18 and show it on this case the answer is -9416 (L18) in my excel sheet L column I have manually input the numbers ... Is thr any formula I can use for the L column which can automatically read my requirement and show the transaction wise profit and loss automatically ? Your help tis greatly appreciated.Solved987Views0likes2Comments
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