Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesBuild 2024: Effective & intelligent communication for apps interacting with Teams and WhatsApp New capabilities for developers to shape the workflows they need to deliver faster, enriched communication experiences to their customers. Build communication experiences with better control and structure Rooms is a new preview API to help you manage calls and protect end-users Checklist for advanced calling experiences in web browsers One of the core scenarios we help developers deliver is virtual visits, when a business hosting a meeting invites an external customer to a video call. Virtual visits occur across industries: a virtu...Prototyping sentiment analysis of SMS with Logic Apps Without writing code (mostly), we’re going to build an Azure Logic App that receives SMS messages, analyzes the message’s sentiment, and acts upon that sentiment by responding with an SMS message. ...Public Preview - Raw Media Access for Voice & Video Calling Access raw calling audio in real-time to perform translation or connect to other services