Allow multiple queues for the same printer

Allow multiple queues for the same printer



 Jun 16 2020
13 Comments (13 New)
In progress

I would like to be able to deploy multiple print queues for the same printer. This will allow the different queue to have different default settings. e.g. One colour and one black or different default trays.

Status changed to: In progress
Status changed to: Looking into it
Copper Contributor

We need this feature, colour printing costs so much, most printing is BW, most software defaults to print documents in colour even if the document is only BW


@dands_andy If you sent the default to BW in the Universal Print admin portal, does the client printing still default to Colour?  I understand that users can always manually choose colour since the printer reports that it can support colour.  Or is your feature request for one queue to always be BW and another queue to the same physical printer to be colour?

Iron Contributor

We have a need to print from different printer trays. We would like to setup one print queue to print from Tray 2 and another to print from tray 3. 


We can't currently do this. 

Brass Contributor

Status needs to be changed to Completed.


Release notes for Connector (June 24, 2021 - Version 1.70) state:


:hammer:Added support for registering multiple printer queues of the same physical printer from the same Connector.


Status changed to: In progress
Iron Contributor

Creating additional Printer Shares under one Printer in the Universal Print Portal with individual Printer Defaults and Access Controls would be a great addition and is requested by customers.

Iron Contributor

We are not using the connector. We use the firmware directly on the print device. As far as I know we can still only have one share per printer.

Copper Contributor

We also have a printer that connects directly to Azure.
We would like to create two shares for direct en secure printing (using a QR-code).
This gives our users an easy way to make a choice without depending on 3rd party software.

...and makes it easier for IT to manage 🙂

Copper Contributor

+1 this request. I'd also appreciate this functionality.

I'd wonder if it would make sense to move the printer properties to the shares instead of the printer itself. Then have the ability to create multiple shares for a printer.

At this time a printer doesn't show up again as an option when attempting to create another share.

Copper Contributor

+1 this request. I'd also appreciate this functionality

Make multiple queues for:
- Color/grayscale

- Secure print/direct print


Distributed to different user groups

Copper Contributor

Still appears not possible to have multiple printer queues for the same printer but with different settings if not using a connector.


The use cases include:

Having a print queue with/without QR Code release for secure printing.

Having different print selections