Forum Discussion
Dec 14, 2020Silver Contributor
Is this the update?
Is this the update Allen was talking about? And was the blog post about the new update delayed because of the holidays?
Dec 15, 2020MVP
Allen wrote:
Hi both,
Thank you for your posts.
The message options menu being cut off is a bug, which we just fixed.
The nav changes have been implemented to provide a consistency of experience between mobile and desktop. This simplification of the code base helps increase the performance of the site still further for logged in users.
I am not sure I understand what is causing a 'full page reload' could you share some more details.?
The bell icon prevented from full page reload, allowed us to see notifications (the last 5 at least) without the need to reload the page.
maybe it was only obvious to me but I really think the forum needs more Ajax and load parts of the web page independently from other parts.
like notifications on YouTube, notifications on Stackexchange websites and many other places. no matter how fast the page loads, it still is a full page reload, meaning I have to leave the page i was on, go to an entirely different page just to see the notifications. I think this design is like 10 years old.
I'm simply comparing my experience here versus my experience on other communities and these changes are inconvenient for me.
the ideal thing would be to view the entire notification list without leaving the page the user is on.
a bell icon that we click on, at first we see the last 5 notifications and then there will be a scroll bar to view the rest of the notifications. that would be a great design.
I understand you want to simplify the code but simplifying the backend means making things hard on the front.
Community Manager
Dec 15, 2020
Ok so I am going to ask our devs to bring back the notification bell early in 2021. The rest of your feedback I completely understand and want to develop further on as soon as our underlying platform allows us to.
I am afraid, for now, we are stuck with the full-page loads. I do appreciate your feedback on this thread and rest assured we will be looking to make advancements of this kind in 2021.