Forum Discussion

Kimberly Abbott's avatar
Kimberly Abbott
Copper Contributor
Oct 19, 2017

How change access permissions

When I first signed up, signup process indicated that Tech community needed access to a bunch of account data (activity, email, etc.) and that I can change this at any time at <url>.  Problem is, there is no record of these settings anywhere that I can find - almost as if they're intentionally hidden?  Where do/can I change these?

  • Those are settings for the application that leverages your Office 365 identity. You can get the info via Get-AzureADServicePrincipal or the Azure portal:


    DeletionTimestamp                  :
    ObjectId                           : 674bb85f-3f9d-4aa3-9d29-0ff76dcfc681
    ObjectType                         : ServicePrincipal
    AccountEnabled                     : True
    AddIns                             : {}
    AlternativeNames                   : {}
    AppDisplayName                     : MS Tech Comm
    AppId                              : 09213cdc-9f30-4e82-aa6f-9b6e8d82dab3
    AppOwnerTenantId                   : 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47
    AppRoleAssignmentRequired          : False
    AppRoles                           : {}
    DisplayName                        : MS Tech Comm
    ErrorUrl                           :
    Homepage                           :
    KeyCredentials                     : {}
    LogoutUrl                          :
    Oauth2Permissions                  : {}
    PasswordCredentials                : {}
    PreferredTokenSigningKeyThumbprint :
    PublisherName                      : Microsoft
    ReplyUrls                          : {}
    SamlMetadataUrl                    :
    ServicePrincipalNames              : {09213cdc-9f30-4e82-aa6f-9b6e8d82dab3}
    ServicePrincipalType               : Application
    Tags                               : {WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp}



    You can also revoke access for the application if needed. If you need more help about the whole Azure AD applications model, read here:
