Forum Discussion
Dark mode for Insider tech community website
- Sep 16, 2020
The question you are asking is not only related to this community, but to the whole website also. I know that there is an Idea opened in the Ideas space in the Community Lounge about this suggestion which is linked here. For now, the tech lead of this website has told that if they will get more upvotes on that suggestion, it will get more prioritised. Till that, its status is ON HOLD.
The question you are asking is not only related to this community, but to the whole website also. I know that there is an Idea opened in the Ideas space in the Community Lounge about this suggestion which is linked here. For now, the tech lead of this website has told that if they will get more upvotes on that suggestion, it will get more prioritised. Till that, its status is ON HOLD.
- KamOct 25, 2020Silver ContributorTheShaunSaw
rjtiwari10 If you have the new Edge, you can head over to edge://flags/#enable-force-dark