Forum Discussion
Dec 03, 2018MVP
Can you please stop changing the layout/navigation?
Just when I'm comfortably used to the next iteration, and you change everything all over again. How do I get to the page listing all my favourited spaces now? I have to browse the Communities instead...
Dec 04, 2018MVP
Allen If I wanted to use email notifications, I would. I'm already part of a dozen forums/communities (TechNet/MSDN, Answers, MTC, EE, Spiceworks to name a few), if I subscribe for new posts on each of those my mailbox will simply explode. I prefer to browse the MTC instead, and the Dashboard was fine for this purpose.
Again, it's about getting to the Spaces I follow, not Communities, not Conversations. Home tab lists 4 per page, how many times do I need to press the "more" button to get all the results? Perhaps you can move that page someplace else and have it load a more suitable number of results?
Community Manager
Dec 04, 2018
Lets see if we can come up with another way to meet your use case because, as I mentioned in my original reply, the feed used for My Home was going to become broken in the next month anyway so it had to go.
I take it that using the 'Conversations I started' or the 'Conversations I have replied' to on your profile page does not meet your needs?
So, the ask here is to have a list of all conversations that you have expressed some sort of interest in listed in perpetuity somewhere right?
This list must:
- Know which spaces / discussions or individual posts you want to be able to review
- List them in chronological order
- Expand indefinitely without a need for you to click see more or next?
Did I miss anything?