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Sysinternals Blog

Sysmon v15.1 and ZoomIt v7.2

Alex_Mihaiuc's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 09, 2023

Sysmon v15.1

This update to Sysmon improves file hash and delete performance, adds a summary message on events dropped due to high system load, fixes a crash during uninstall, and fixes a system hang.

ZoomIt v7.2

This update to ZoomIt adds translucent highlighter and blur to draw mode, microphone selection for recording, and copies the recorded file to the clipboard.
Updated Nov 09, 2023
Version 2.0
  • SwimmeRM's avatar
    Iron Contributor



    Ok, thanks for confirming this. Unluckily updating to Windows 11 is not possible on my laptop so I'll just have to stick to updating to Windows 10, which is already in my plans since so much time that I guess you too can imagine how I'll be happier once finally able to complete it... 0:-) 

    Anyway ITMT I was also able that latest v8.01 also behave just like v7.20 so at least my laptop already automatically sent 1 report for it.

    Now since v7.10 was still 'working' (apparently), well at least not generating any Application Error even while simply trying to display its options, why not trying to partially revert to some of its code, to at least continue allowing people like me, still with legacy Windows 7 SP1 x64, to use it.

    Basically by so doing (but before you should also additionally disable using both its [Ctrl]+[5] record toggle and also using its Scaling selections inside Record tab) then me and others might possibly still try to use latest ZoomIt with its newest DemoType features even by simply running ZoomIt64.exe like I'm still doing with v7.10.


    P.S. I'm obviously assuming & hoping DemoType is not using any Windows 10 or Windows 11 specific newer APIs too.


    Again thanks in advance for your attention.


  • SwimmeRM 


    ZoomIt now uses multimedia APIs introduced with Windows 10, both for microphone and for (animated) display capture. The suggestion is to update to Windows 11.


    It's fine to report problems here, for extra visibility, just email at "syssite".

  • SwimmeRM's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hello Alex,


    I hope it's not too inappropriate to ask this directly here.

    Is there already a well-known procedure available somewhere that I can reach and follow to be able to report a bug found while trying to run a Sysinternals tool ?

    I've already tried to use Search line on top right corner to possibly find an answer inside TechCommunities or even this blog but found nothing, and some time ago I also tried on Q&A but what I found then was not very clear either, so I'm wondering if you're aware of anything more correct.

    To be more specific, I'm currently unable to use latest ZoomIt v7.2 that seem to start fine (as Zoom64.exe) and correctly minimized just like v7.1, but if I try to open its Options menu then it immediately Stops working and always closes itself.


    P.S. As always my OS, which is not Windows 10, is obviously already automatically sending to Microsoft any collected error reports, so ITMT I'm simply reverting to ZoomIt v7.1.

    P.P.S. This is just a small idea, but I also just noticed that inside registry used by ZoomIt v7.1 there's no entry for MicrophoneDeviceId so I'm wondering if instead it might be needed by v7.2, so ITMT, while I'm searching inside registry or elsewhere via Bing to see if I find a similar value that might match same use and purpose, I'll also see if just trying to initialize MicrophoneDeviceId as REG_DWORD to 0, might be of any help anyway.

    Quick update: MicrophoneDeviceId doesn't seem to be REG_DWORD, maybe a REG_SZ, but even if after I checked other sources I found which registry subkey is indeed involved for it (to identify my mic device), below HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Capture\, just trying to specify and use that value still does not changes effect I reported. So chances are that v7.2 is probably trying to access and use other Windows 10 & 11 only more specific APIs, maybe graphical and/or MultiMedia ones, that are unavailable with lower OS versions.


    Thanks in advance for your attention.
