Forum Discussion

RaananW's avatar
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Sep 15, 2020

Orientation on the surface duo emulator



I have a feeling I am doing something wrong but I can't put my finger on it. I am trying to implement a website that will support the screen-split media queries. Vertical works perfectly, but when going horizontal, the screen doesn't re-align and doesn't change the orientation. Auto-rotate is on in both settings and in the notification pane (see picture), but still no app changes its orientation:


I tried with a few apps (settings, edge, email, phone), but the emulator refuses to re-orient.


Is there something I missed?

  • RaananW this is an incompatibility with the latest release of the Android emulator 😕


    Rotation will work on emulator 30.0.12 and earlier, but in versions 30.0.26 and over it fails (nothing rotates). We are working on a fix but there is no timeline yet.


    A workaround would be to downgrade to version 30.0.12 of the emulator.



    You can download an older version of the emulator binaries from these links (on

    Take the /emulator/ directory in these downloads and place in your Android SDK location (consider first renaming the existing folder to /emulator-newer/ so you can reinstate it if required).

  • RaananW this is an incompatibility with the latest release of the Android emulator 😕


    Rotation will work on emulator 30.0.12 and earlier, but in versions 30.0.26 and over it fails (nothing rotates). We are working on a fix but there is no timeline yet.


    A workaround would be to downgrade to version 30.0.12 of the emulator.



    You can download an older version of the emulator binaries from these links (on

    Take the /emulator/ directory in these downloads and place in your Android SDK location (consider first renaming the existing folder to /emulator-newer/ so you can reinstate it if required).
