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Storage at Microsoft

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) documentation updates

FileCAB-Team's avatar
Iron Contributor
Apr 10, 2019
First published on TECHNET on Feb 07, 2008

This is a summary of recent revisions to the VSS documentation on MSDN.

1. IVssBackupComponents::AddNewTarget has an error in the remarks section fixed.

2.       The “ Usage Conventions ” topic has expanded information about binary compatibility for VSS applications across Windows versions (including a handy table)

3.       The “ What's New in VSS in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1 ” topic has been updated to include the BreakSnapshotSetEx method.

4.       The VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM enumeration has a new flag value (VSS_RME_RESTORE_STOP_START),  and the following topics have also been updated to reflect that


b. IVssCreateWriterMetadata::SetRestoreMethod

c. IVssExamineWriterMetadata::GetRestoreMethod

d. Stopping Services for Restore by Requesters

- Dinesh

Updated Apr 10, 2019
Version 2.0
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