Hey SQL Tools fans! We’re halfway through 2024 and due to a confluence of events we have a release of SQL Server Management Studio to announce, version SSMS 20.2.
While we’ve been focused on work for SSMS 21, we made time for a few updates to address known issues that affected your workflows and use of SSMS. You can read about each update and fix in the release notes, but let’s cover some important fixes here.
- SSIS and SQL Agent – many customers ran into a connection error (“The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted”) in SQL Agent when trying to create or modify a job step for SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). This problem has been resolved in SSMS 20.2.
- Replication – there’s a host of users that use the Replication Conflict Viewer and found it inaccessible whether using Mandatory or Optional encryption. That issue has also been addressed.
- Query Store – many folks change the configuration for different Query Store reports using the Configure dialog, and we fixed a couple issues specific to the Configure dialog and reports not updating.
We also completed a set of accessibility and connection improvements, and addressed some issues related to Object Explorer, Query Editor, and Query Plans. Thanks to a few feature teams, we picked up some enhancements for Always Encrypted and the Link feature for Azure SQL Managed Instance, and a fix for the MI Link wizard as well. Finally, we made updates to the usual suspects (DacFx and SMO – two libraries on which SSMS depends) and the OLEDB driver, and we removed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable from the installer, which a few customers noted had fallen out of support in April.
Note that updating from an earlier release of SSMS 20 will not remove the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable from the machine. If you have no other applications on the machine that use the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable, feel free to remove it yourself through Add/Remove Programs.
As always, please log any feedback related to SSMS on the feedback site. We continue to monitor votes and comments on ideas and have started a Friday Feedback series on LinkedIn. However – not all of you use LinkedIn regularly, and we don’t want you to miss out! Therefore, you’ll find a summary of topics covered thus far below, and links to Ideas so you can upvote or comment.
We ask that you find time to review each idea, and maybe other ideas that align with changes you’d like to see. As we’ve said previously, votes and comments are our currency, and we are looking for feedback from you to help shape the next major release of SSMS.
Finally, as we focus on SSMS 21 for the second half of 2024, we don’t expect any additional releases of SSMS 20, but we will continue to post here and ask for feedback over the next several months. Stay tuned, and thanks for being engaged with the SSMS team!
Installation footprint
For SSMS 21 we will have a new installer, which means you won’t have to download the .exe file every time you want to update to the next minor release. However, we will also have a larger installation footprint (e.g. maybe 2GB at most) and want to know if that works for folks. SSMS Installation
UI for creating logins and users in Azure SQL Database
We’re looking to add the UI dialog to create logins and users for Azure SQL DB. In the right-click menu, would you prefer to only have the option to view the dialog (UX), or would you also like the ability to have the template script open in the Query Editor (as it does now)? GUI/tool for SQL server login management in Azure SQL DB
Command line arguments/parameters
What command line arguments (parameters) do you use for SSMS, and what would you like to see added? Current list of parameters here, for anyone who hasn't used them. SSMS command line arguments /parameters
Projects and Solutions vs. Open Folder
Do you use Projects and Solutions in SSMS, or do you prefer to use Open Folder instead? You can only choose one! What will replace the SSMS Solution Explorer?
Updating SSMS
With SSMS 21 updates will be easier – you won’t have to download a 700MB file! Knowing that updates will occur within the application, how often will you want to update SSMS? Improve the SSMS Update Experience
Updated Feb 03, 2025
Version 2.0erinstellato
Joined February 24, 2022
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