Oct 06 2016 08:47 AM
When a client calls me on Skype for Business, I answer it on my PC, but the SFB app on my iPhone 7 keeps ringing and ringing.
Why does it not recognise that I've answered the call. I get a lot of calls every day, and this is getting very annoying.
Is this a known bug?
Oct 06 2016 09:49 AM
Oct 07 2016 03:16 PM
Oct 07 2016 06:17 PM
@Richard T Schwendiman- Do you happen to know if this in a known issue?
Oct 11 2016 09:04 AM
Oct 11 2016 12:24 PM
May 16 2017 01:16 PM
I am having the same issue and could not find a more recent thread. I am running
Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.14393 Build 14393
Skype for Business 15.0.4919.1000
Skype for Business for Android
When logged on to both the WIN10 client and the Android client, and I receive a call, the Android client keeps ringing after picking up the call on my WIN10 client. No matter what I press on the Android device; accept or decline, it keeps ringing until an error is displayed "An error has occured"