Skype for Business ringing on multiple devices

Iron Contributor

When a client calls me on Skype for Business, I answer it on my PC, but the SFB app on my iPhone 7 keeps ringing and ringing.


Why does it not recognise that I've answered the call. I get a lot of calls every day, and this is getting very annoying.


Is this a known bug?

7 Replies
I have this same issue
Ditto on the same problem. I have to hit the power button on the phone to stop it. That's very annoying when I've answered the phone and try to talk to someone.
At the risk of "me too", I'll just say, I have 4 devices, and it is happening on all 4 as well. (I think I avoided the me too". I am using, Skype Mobile preview on IOS, so it is currently and still an issue also

@Richard T Schwendiman-   Do you happen to know if this in a known issue?

Adding here as well: We have the same issue
Yes this is currently a known issue...It will eventually stop ringing but it should stop immediately...We are currently working to get this resolved.

I am having the same issue and could not find a more recent thread.  I am running


Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.14393 Build 14393

Skype for Business 15.0.4919.1000

Skype for Business for Android


When logged on to both the WIN10 client and the Android client, and I receive a call, the Android client keeps ringing after picking up the call on my WIN10 client.  No matter what I press on the Android device; accept or decline, it keeps ringing until an error is displayed "An error has occured"