Forum Discussion
SharePoint Rest API threshold exception even if the first part of filter not have enough 5000 items
I have a list WTasks around 40.000 items. And the first part of filter not reach 5000 items, but still got Threshold exception
- UserId (just Number, not lookup) - indexed
- Status (lookup to the ItemStatus list by ID) - indexed
- ItemType (string) - indexed
All are indexed - single.
I do this Rest API call:
_api/web/lists/getbytitle('WTasks')/items?$top=2000&$filter=UserId eq 21 and ItemType eq 'Product Support'&$select=ID,Title
And got the threshold exception. I know this happened when the first part of filter return more than 5000 items (this case is "UserId eq 21").
But it actually just has 4.230 items that UserId = 21.
And 3245 items match "UserId eq 21 and ItemType eq 'Product Support'"
I don't know why this happens with the list.
Please help on this.
Thanks a lot.