Forum Discussion
Regarding the Sharing Permisssion on the SharePont on premise
Hi there,
I have scenario is when I add a user (A) into the SharePoint group automatically by custom program. now after that,
- I share 1 document in the ABC document library to A. that means user (A) can access the document I shared.
- I share another document in the DEF document library to A. that means user (A) can access the document I shared as well.
One day, user A quits the job. so after workflow completed, the custom program will removes the user permission from SharePoint Group. BUT my question is how to find out these two documents I shared then remove the user A permissions.
- Vikram_SamalSteel Contributor
You do not have to go and find if the user has left/removed from the organisation rather you need to go to each site collection and go the following link which will give you all user details for the site collection.
https://{Tenant Name}{Site Name}/_layouts/15/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0
Then select/check the user who you want to remove and click the option "Delete User from Site Collection"
This will remove the user from all the site, list, library or item level permission. Hope this helps.
We use this approach everyday to mange our deactivated users but using programmatic approach.
- Will # _________ HBrass ContributorI think I found out where the issue is ... thanks for your information. Now I just remove the permission of user account from SharePoint Group that will come with the permission of sharing will be removed as well
- Vikram_SamalSteel Contributor
Will # _________ H Thanks will glad I could help.