Forum Discussion
PnP SingleWebPartAppPage removing all page contents
I am trying to convert a SharePoint page into a single web part app page to display a PowerBi report in full screen. I have tried creating the page, converting to "article" layout, adding the embed (both the PBI specific and the generic embed) webpart then running the script to convert to a single webpart app page.
When I run the script, it is converting the page but it is removing the embedded web part.
Here is my code:
$clientId = "XXX"
$clientSecret = "XXX"
$tenantId = "XXX"
$scope = "" # Use Microsoft Graph default scope for app-only authentication
Connect-PnPOnline -Url -ClientId $clientId -Tenant $tenantId -Certificatepath "C:\Users\User\Example" -CertificatePassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Example" -Force)
if(Get-PnPConnection) {
Set-PnPPage -Identity "Example.aspx" -LayoutType singleWebPartAppPage
} else {
Write-Host "Connection failed. Please check your credentials and try again."
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.