InfoPath Form (SP2010) migration to SharePoint 2016 help requested

Copper Contributor

Okay so I think I have a major problem but I'm looking for some advice here.


I was asked to migrate our SharePoint 2010 migration to SharePoint 2016. In these sites, there are InfoPath forms (designed with 2013) that need to be migrated. I exported these via lists and imported via lists as I was not permitted to use a migration tool. Now I have a problem.

Each one of these forms are linked to our old web server (now offline) still. I went into the manifest file an updated the URLs to point to the lists where I imported all of the data from the old 2010 web server. While the URLs are correct, when I go to publish I am getting an error stating that the library doesn't exist. I assume this is due to the fact that when I imported all of the old data, I did it to a list not a library (no other choice).


Now what? There are thousands of old infopath form "documents" so downloading individually was not ideal. We do have the originals still on the discontinued web server, but I'd like to avoid downloading and uploading to the newly published form (if at all possible).

To clarify:

  • Yes I did update all of the URLS and associated list GUIDs for my data connections
  • the updated new URLS are pointing to the correct site collection
  • I could not migrate from 2010 to 2013 first, this was a manual migration of everything from 2010 to 2016

I referenced this and this for my process of how to properly migrate. Please help so I don't have to go back and download each one of these forms again.

1 Reply

@SarahGrzym try right clicking the manifest file, select edit. Once in infopath simply publish the form to the new location