Forum Discussion

Abel GarcĆ­a CelestrĆ­n's avatar
Abel GarcĆ­a CelestrĆ­n
Copper Contributor
Jan 25, 2017

Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate and workflows

In my today's SharePoint situation I need to replicate an website from a dev environment into another dev environment (without content, only structures). I have been looking to the   Get-PnPProvis...
  • Luis MaƱez's avatar
    Jan 26, 2017
    According to PnP-Core code, the ObjectWorkflow ObjectHandler should extract Workflows lists, so, as Paul said, did you try with latest version?

    Also, you can enable Debug before running the Get-PnPProvisioning template:
    Set-SPOTraceLog -On -Level Debug
    and let us know if there's any error.
