Creating Search Alerts via CSOM -> Error: List does not exist

Copper Contributor

#### Category
[X] Bug
[ ] Enhancement

#### Environment
[X] Office 365 / SharePoint Online
[ ] SharePoint 2016
[ ] SharePoint 2013

#### Expected or Desired Behavior
Via the new CSOM API it's possible to create User Alerts (example works: )

#### Observed Behavior
When creating Search Alerts (need to change the AlertTemplateName to "OSS.Search" , the AlertFrequency to Daily or Weekly (immediate doesn't exist) and AlertType to .Custom) than this results in an error back from the server with "List does not exist"

#### Steps to Reproduce
Change the settings from the example to:
newAlert.AlertFrequency = AlertFrequency.Weekly;
newAlert.AlertTemplateName = "OSS.Search";
newAlert.AlertType = AlertType.Custom;
newAlert.AlwaysNotify = true;
newAlert.DeliveryChannels = AlertDeliveryChannel.Email;
newAlert.EventType = AlertEventType.AddObject;
newAlert.Filter = string.Empty;
newAlert.Status = AlertStatus.On;
newAlert.Title = "Search Alert";
newAlert.User = currentUser;

Idea is to create an 'empty' custom type alert, so that it able to retrieve the Alert object and than the necessary properties can be added. And the Alert object can be updated than.

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