Cannot install yeoman sharepoint generator

Copper Contributor

In order to use the latest SPFx Version 1.14 I'm trying to setup my dev env.

I'm stuck at installing the latest yeoman generator, when doing 
npm install @Pernille-Eskebo/generator-sharepoint@latest -g

it hangs forever at 
[###...............] - idealTree:express: sill fetch manifest safe-buffer@^5.0.1

and does not get ready.

Here are the versions I've installed:

node: v14.19.0

npm: 7.24.1

yeoman: 4.3.0

gulp cli: 2.3.0


npm list --global --depth=0
+-- @pnp/cli-microsoft365@4.2.0
+-- gulp-cli@2.3.0
+-- gulp@3.9.1
+-- minizlib@2.1.2
+-- npm@7.24.1
`-- yo@4.3.0


Any help would be very much appreciated!

1 Reply

Hi @Thomas Leclaire


I managed to use yeoman templates with the followings components:


 +-- @microsoft/generator-sharepoint@1.14.0
+-- create-react-app@5.0.0
+-- gulp-cli@2.3.0
+-- gulp@4.0.2
+-- npm-reinstall@3.1.0
+-- npm-windows-upgrade@6.0.1
+-- npm@
`-- yo@4.3.0

node v16.0.0