All my SPFx webparts aren't loading anymore

Copper Contributor

From a few hours to now, all my webparts have stopped being rendered. There are no errors, but the pages remain blank, as if the application was not installed in the site collection.
Inspecting with chrome dev tools, I noticed that there is a javascript in place of webparts:

(function cswp_WPQ3(global) { if (global.moduleLoaderPromise) { global.moduleLoaderPromise.then(function(application) { try { application.loadWebPart("g_ae3222da_b127_4d03_9ea0_412d70edae8a", "47baa649-6272-41c0-ac93-ef11afe8370a", "<div data-sp-webpart=\"\" data-sp-webpartdataversion=1.0 data-sp-webpartdata=\"&#123;&quot;id&quot;&#58;&quot;47baa649-6272-41c0-ac93-ef11afe8370a&quot;,&quot;instanceId&quot;&#58;null,&quot;title&quot;&#58;&quot;Banner de Segundo Nivel&quot;,&quot;description&quot;&#58;&quot;Esta webpart disponibiliza um bannere exibe dois itens de destaque, um da central e outro sistemico.&quot;,&quot;version&quot;&#58;&quot;0.0.1&quot;,&quot;properties&quot;&#58;&#123;&quot;description&quot;&#58;&quot;BannerSegundoNivel&quot;&#125;,&quot;htmlProperties&quot;&#58;null&#125;\" data-sp-splinksapplied=true><div data-sp-componentid=\"\">47baa649-6272-41c0-ac93-ef11afe8370a</div><div data-sp-htmlproperties=\"\"></div></div>", 1, 1, false, []); } catch (e) { if (application != null && application.logClientSideWebPartLoadError != null) { application.logClientSideWebPartLoadError("g_ae3222da_b127_4d03_9ea0_412d70edae8a", "N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel carregar uma web part nesta p\u00E1gina. Use o bot\u00E3o Voltar do navegador para tentar novamente. Se o problema persistir, contate o administrador do site e forne\u00E7a a ele as informa\u00E7\u00F5es que constam em Detalhes T\u00E9cnicos."); console.error(e); } else { console.error("N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel carregar uma web part nesta p\u00E1gina. Use o bot\u00E3o Voltar do navegador para tentar novamente. Se o problema persistir, contate o administrador do site e forne\u00E7a a ele as informa\u00E7\u00F5es que constam em Detalhes T\u00E9cnicos."); console.error(e); } } }); } else { console.error("N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel carregar o wrapper da web part nesta p\u00E1gina. Use o bot\u00E3o Voltar do navegador para tentar novamente. Se o problema persistir, contate o administrador do site."); } })(window);

Is anyone experiencing this problem?

Notes: No changes have been made to the application since it was working.

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