Unable to block spam Email

Silver Contributor

How do you block an email that has no email address? This is how the email looks when you try to block it.  When you delete this type of email it gets placed in your deleted folder and if you then choose to block it, it moves to your junk folder, but then, moves back to the deleted emails folder on its own.  The only way to keep it in the junk folder is to manually move it there.  But you still cannot block it from showing up again in your inbox making it impossible to block.....   Today I've received 23 of them so far....




MS needs to automatically block this type of email without user input.


6 Replies
Do you activated "spf hard fail" in antispam policy ?
Do you set the anti-phishing in the highest level ?
Do you move all types of spam to quarantine ?

The spam can be blocked by mail account, by domain of account , by the name of host, by domain of host, or by the country, and so many options in anti spam policy.

You can see all mail information in the Azure mail header analyzer. https://mha.azurewebsites.net/
You need put the email header in the analyzer. The header has the host that send the mail.
The spam policy is in this link https://security.microsoft.com/antispam?

If mail has a URL link, you can block the domain of url in the tenant block. https://security.microsoft.com/securitypoliciesandrules?
Unfortunately this is a person account. The info you refer to is for a company accounts.

But thanks for the info
Ok...Try to use "block senders" in Microsoft Outlook.


You need discover the domain of host.



You can put the domain of host in block sender within junk email option.



Unfortunately these options are not available in the mobile app. I have these set in the pc MS365 outlook. I think MS has fixed the problem as I'm not getting this problem since yesterday. Not one is landing in my inbox so far.

Thanks again for your info


p.s.  as you can see in my OP, I've tried several different ways to block the sender, but nothing was working.......

This particular account is a personal account. The features your mentioning are for Organizations and are of no help for a personal account. Thanks though for taking the time to try and help...
