Self-Service Password Reset return SSPR_0030

Copper Contributor

This happens for all our users. I watched this video and notice that our MSOL account for AAD Connect (version, upgraded from previous release) does not have Read Permissions or Reset Password permissions in our AD and thought this could be the issue for our SSPR not working? (about 6:30 into the video). I see the video is from 2021, thus these mentioned AD permissions may no longer be required for the MSOL account? SSPR was working find until upgrading AAD Connect...


Any thoughts?

4 Replies

rebooting server running aadconnect resolved the issue!

I have the same issue but, in the moment, I don’t find the solution.
I have worked a lot of time to resolve this issue.
if you are using Azure AD Connect please check and verify its settings are all good.