Secure Score Comparisons

Brass Contributor

I'm hoping someone from the Secure Score Team might see this, but would like to hear other people views too...

I have been using 'Microsoft Secure Score' and associated Microsoft 365 A5 security tools for nearly 3 years, and really love it. I work in Education and I think were a reasonably large organisation with about 5K devices and 15k users. 

There are three key things that I now rely heavily on:

  • It gives me a list of security configuration tasks and monitors them
  • It keeps me honest. I can't really lie or obfuscate
  • It allows me to compare myself with other organisations

I have to report back to my Senior Management Team & Governing Body on a regular basis. The comparison feature has been helpful in reassuring them how were doing but it's very flaky. Sometimes the comparison doesn't work (like today) and it's really difficult to find a good comparison. You need to search through the company sizes and industries to try to find any data to compare with.


I've got my Secure Score to the level that I believe is right for my organisation (above 80%), but don't seem to be able to find any viable competition. I'm not saying this to be cocky, it's just a statement of fact and I want to know if where I've got to is good, average or bad. I just don't have anything to aspire too or to compete with, which I kind of though was the point.


It would be great to have a leaderboard, or some sort different display of the global stats that operated on 'Max' aggerates. I know there is 100%, but that's thats a kind of academic number. I'd like to know for example, what is Microsoft's number? Or how about a score board that we can opt into and can only be seen by other opted in participants. 


I've shared my stats below... Anyone else willing to do so?




2 Replies
Hi Andrew, great work getting it to that level.
Generally speaking it's rare to see anyone get a tenant above 80%

This was discussed on a thread in Yammer back in August:
Let me know if you can't see it?

Dave C

@Andrew Emmett 


Hi Andrew nice work!

I would recommend focussing more on your identity score as this manages authentication into your systems not just the Microsoft products but the third party apps you integrate with using SSO.  

Here is a score to try to top 😛 
