MCAS Ninja Training has been updated!
Published Mar 03 2021 01:34 PM 5,038 Views

The Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) Ninja Training March 2021 update is Here!

Check it out at!

Updated Ninja Diagram.png



Let us know if you have any feedback or relevant use cases/requirements for this portion of Cloud App Security by emailing and mention the core area of concern.


Learn more 

For further information on how your organization can benefit from Microsoft Cloud App Security, connect with us at the links below: 

Join the conversation on Tech Community.  

Stay up to date—subscribe to our blog.  

Upload a log file from your network firewall or enable logging via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to discover Shadow IT in your network. 

Learn more—download Top 20 use cases for CASB

Connect your cloud apps to detect suspicious user activity and exposed sensitive data. 

Search documentation on Microsoft Cloud App Security.  

Enable out-of-the-box anomaly detection policies and start detecting cloud threats in your environment. 

Understand your licensing options .  

Continue with more advanced use cases across information protection, compliance, and more. 

Follow the Microsoft Cloud App Security Ninja blog and learn about Ninja Training.  

Go deeper with these interactive guides: 

·         Discover and manage cloud app usage with Microsoft Cloud App Security 

·         Protect and control information with Microsoft Cloud App Security 

·         Detect threats and manage alerts with Microsoft Cloud App Security 

·         Automate alerts management with Microsoft Power Automate and Cloud App Security  


To experience the benefits of full-featured CASB, sign up for a free trial—Microsoft Cloud App Security. 


Follow us on LinkedIn as #CloudAppSecurity. To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us at @MSFTSecurity on Twitter, and Microsoft Security on LinkedIn for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity. 

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 02 2021 04:59 PM
Updated by: