Many problems with groups created by SDS import

Copper Contributor


Hi all,


In the beginning of this school year we have imported all our school data manually via csv files and SDS. Our school system does not allow external access so we had to export pupils, teachers and courses and manually write the needed csv files for office 365 import. This was painful and took ages, but we managed.

Now we have some major problems with the created groups / teams in office365


1) created groups do not have a proper e-mail address instead it has a strange 'section<number>@tenant'-email. This is unfortunate as we need parents to mail specific groups.


2) teacher who were not added to groups/classes in the first place should be able to join groups on request. sadly the button "request to join" is not clickable nor viewable.


3) moreover when adding o365 groups manually all of the above works fine, but I can not add members of groups created by SDS to my newly created group - only single users! The error msg states that the user list of the sds created group is empty / can not be read.


4) All the above works on groups I added manually through admin center. So there must be something really fubar with the SDS import and creating function of groups.


Any ideas on how to solve above ? Thank you !

2 Replies

Hi Bernhard,


I believe the issues you're describing are largely by design, and your best bet is to submit a suggestion on UserVoice.


I was hoping not to get that answer :( Thanks thou