Power App / Workflow that displays Approval status of multiple approvers - Start and wait approval

Iron Contributor


I have a Power App that is for approvals, people use a Microsoft Lists and fill out the information including an attachment(s) and click Submit.  Power Automate writes that back and then starts an approval workflow based on the persons specified with claims authentication.  


I have it going to email and to Microsoft Teams for approval.  I'd LOVE it is there was a way to have the status manually or automatically audit / update to display the information / progress of approvers.  Below is from Microsoft Teams and is exactly what I'd like.  Who approves it, and who is left to approve?


Is there any way to get / reference this information in Microsoft Forms or Dataverse as I heard that this might reside in there.  I don't care where it is, maybe Microsoft Graph, etc. just if there is a way that I can grab it and or present it to be updated / displayed?  EVEN if there was a way to display this information in a SharePoint Online Page (embed) or Power App, etc.

Thank you.



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