Forum Discussion
Jun 24, 2022Copper Contributor
Language dependent files in VFS
The only way to change the language of WinRAR from English to another is to copy the language files *.lng into the program directory. I have packed the *.lng files in a MSIX Modification Package whi...
- Jun 25, 2022
Hello Timothy,first of all thank you very much for the quick feedback.
It is a pity that it does not work with modification packages in a bundle.I have now solved it via the PSF FileRedirection for all "*.lng" files and a Powershell start script.
The Powershell script detects the user language on startup and copies the required language files from %MsixPackageRoot% to the fileredirection %MsixWritablePackageRoot% .
For all those who may come across this post and also want to package WinRAR multilingual, i have created it as follows:- Create a folder "Language" in the already captured WinRAR MSIX package.
- Create the needed ISO Language Code subfolders and copy the corresponding "*.lng" language files from WinRAR (WinRAR Languages) into the subfolders.
3. Add PSF to the MSIX package and configure Powershell start script “UserSettings.ps1” and FileRedirection for the "*.lng" files
PSF "config.json"
{ "applications": [ { "id": "PSFLAUNCHEROne", "executable": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe", "arguments": "", "workingDirectory": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR", "scriptExecutionMode": "-ExecutionPolicy ByPass", "startScript": { "waitForScriptToFinish": true, "timeout": 30000, "runOnce": true, "showWindow": false, "scriptPath": "%MsixPackageRoot%\\VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR\\UserSettings.ps1", "scriptArguments": "'%MsixPackageRoot%' '%MsixWritablePackageRoot%'", "runInVirtualEnvironment": true } } ], "processes": [ { "executable": "WinRAR", "fixups": [ { "dll": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR\\FileRedirectionFixup64.dll", "config": { "redirectedPaths": { "packageRelative": [ { "base": "VFS/ProgramFilesX64/WinRAR/", "patterns": [ ".*\\.lng" ] } ] } } } ] } ] }
"UserSettings.ps1"Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MsixPackageRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MsixWritablePackageRoot ) #Create MSIX Fileredirection folder $Destination = New-Item "$MsixWritablePackageRoot\vfs\programfilesx64\winrar" -ItemType Directory -Force #Copy Winrar *.lng Files to MSIX Fileredirection folder Copy-Item -Path "$MsixPackageRoot\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\WinRAR\Languages\$((Get-UICulture).Name)\*" -Destination $Destination -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Jun 25, 2022Copper Contributor
Hello Timothy,
first of all thank you very much for the quick feedback.
It is a pity that it does not work with modification packages in a bundle.
I have now solved it via the PSF FileRedirection for all "*.lng" files and a Powershell start script.
The Powershell script detects the user language on startup and copies the required language files from %MsixPackageRoot% to the fileredirection %MsixWritablePackageRoot% .
For all those who may come across this post and also want to package WinRAR multilingual, i have created it as follows:
- Create a folder "Language" in the already captured WinRAR MSIX package.
- Create the needed ISO Language Code subfolders and copy the corresponding "*.lng" language files from WinRAR (WinRAR Languages) into the subfolders.
3. Add PSF to the MSIX package and configure Powershell start script “UserSettings.ps1” and FileRedirection for the "*.lng" files
PSF "config.json"
"applications": [
"executable": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe",
"arguments": "",
"workingDirectory": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR",
"scriptExecutionMode": "-ExecutionPolicy ByPass",
"startScript": {
"waitForScriptToFinish": true,
"timeout": 30000,
"runOnce": true,
"showWindow": false,
"scriptPath": "%MsixPackageRoot%\\VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR\\UserSettings.ps1",
"scriptArguments": "'%MsixPackageRoot%' '%MsixWritablePackageRoot%'",
"runInVirtualEnvironment": true
"processes": [
"executable": "WinRAR",
"fixups": [
"dll": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX64\\WinRAR\\FileRedirectionFixup64.dll",
"config": {
"redirectedPaths": {
"packageRelative": [
"base": "VFS/ProgramFilesX64/WinRAR/",
"patterns": [
#Create MSIX Fileredirection folder
$Destination = New-Item "$MsixWritablePackageRoot\vfs\programfilesx64\winrar" -ItemType Directory -Force
#Copy Winrar *.lng Files to MSIX Fileredirection folder
Copy-Item -Path "$MsixPackageRoot\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\WinRAR\Languages\$((Get-UICulture).Name)\*" -Destination $Destination -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Jun 25, 2022
Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Feel free to also share here at this community site for sharing application preparation info:
We already have an entry for WinRar without the language concerns, so you can edit the docs that exist.