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Mainframe EBCDIC Data File to ASCII conversion using Azure Logic App

skhandelwal's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 21, 2023



This article presents a simple solution that performs the conversion of Mainframe and Midrange EBCDIC files to ASCII format. By leveraging the power of serverless Azure Logic App PaaS, this enables seamless data conversion without the hassle of provisioning any Virtual Machines or IaaS resources. The best part? The entire process is achieved without writing a single line of code. With this easy to implement approach, businesses can streamline their operational workflows and easily load converted data to Azure Data Tier within the same GUI. 


Below diagram is about different Azure services which are used in this solution to perform EBCDIC data file to ASCII file conversion.


EBCDIC To ASCII Conversion Diagram Workflow:

  1. Get blob content (V2) Azure Blob Storage Logic App connector reads EBCDIC file data from Azure storage.
  2. Parse Host File Contents connector converts EBCDIC data input to ASCII data.
  3. Create blob (V2) connector is used to persist converted ASCII data to Azure blob storage.
  4. Persist Comma separated records to CSV file in Azure blob storage
  5. Execute stored procedure (V2) executes Stored Procedure on Azure SQL DB for data load.
  6. Stored Procedure performs Bulk Insert of data from ASCII - CSV file on Azure Blob storage to target Azure SQL DB.


EBCDIC to ASCII conversion using Logic App Detail Steps:


These activities can be conducted using the Azure Portal or VS Code.


This solution helps in easy EBCDIC to ASCII data conversion using Azure Logic App PaaS Service. Azure Logic App has in-built connector named IBM Host File  - Parse Host File Contents which can be used to convert data in EBCDIC format to ASCII format. The Azure Logic App workflow below shows how to perform EBCDIC to ASCII data conversion.


Logic App Workflow to convert EBCDIC to ASCII using Parse Host File contents connector



Logic App Connectors present in above diagram:

  1. Recurrence Schedule trigger is used to trigger Logic App at scheduled time interval. In current example this will help to perform execution of logic app workflow on hourly frequency.
  2. Get blob content (V2) Azure Blob Storage connector is used read (get) EBCDIC format data present in Azure storage.
  3. Parse Host File Contents connector is used to convert EBCDIC data read in Step 2 to ASCII data. This connector converts input EBCDIC data into ASCII data separated by comma and stores in json format.
  4. Create CSV table connector is used to convert json objects into comma separate values.
  5. Create blob (V2) connector is used to persist data generated in step 4 to Azure blob storage.
  6. Execute stored procedure (V2) will execute Stored Procedure to perform Bulk Insert of data from ASCII - CSV file stored in blob storage to Azure SQL DB.

Detailed description of every step above is explained in the sections below.

Step1: Recurrence trigger

Recurrence trigger is used to schedule execution of Logic App workflow on definite frequency (every second, minutes, hour, daily etc.).  Additional details of recurrence connector can be found at location: link.

For test purposes we have kept it to run every hour as shown below:


Based on requirement this logic app workflow can even be triggered on multiple events e.g., arrival of file in Azure blob storage using Logic app Blog trigger action.


Step2: Get blob content (V2)

Get blob content (V2) action on Azure Blob Storage connector is to retrieve binary stream of bytes data from blob content in to Azure Logic App.

To get data from Azure Blob Storage first we need to create a connection to Storage account.

Click on Get blob content (V2) --> Parameters --> Connection.

Click on Create Connection:


You can even use different Authentication types like Service Principal etc. We are using Azure AD integrated for the current test.

Provide file name which contains EBCDIC data in Blob parameter as shown below.


Input EBCDIC file content - sample:

Copybook Layout:


As shown above this copybook contains Name has alphanumeric field, Age as native binary, Salary as packed decimal. Data shown below is created using the above copybook in EBCDIC format.

Input sample data from blob storage in EBCDIC format viewed in Hex Editor:


Mainframe EBCDIC file can be transferred to Azure storage using ADF FTP connector, Mainframe to  Azure sFTP or other methods.


Step3: Parse Host File Contents

This is the most important step in overall Logic App data conversion workflow. This step parses the contents of a file in IBM EBCDIC format i.e., Converts EBCDIC data to output ASCII format in json layout. Various steps involved in configuring this connector are mentioned below.

Development Steps:

Below steps are required to generate HIDX file from Cobol copybook. As a part of development activities copybook HIDX should be generated and saved to Azure storage so that they can be referenced inside Azure logic App to interpret EBCDIC data files.

Create HIDX layout from Cobol Copybook:

Parse Host File Contents connector expects HIDX layout and EBCDIC data file as input and generates ASCII data file as output. HIDX stands for Host Integration Designer XML, this is XML representation of COBOL copybook. Cobol Copybook can be converted to HIDX layout using HIS Designer for Logic Apps Software. Below are steps involved in this conversion:

1. Download HIS Designer for Logic Apps software from location link 

2. Design a metadata artifact as shown on location link

3. Save Host Integration Designer XML (HIDX or metadata artifact link


Logic App workflow parameter for Parse Host File Contents:









Name of an HIDX file containing meta-data about the IBM file format.

HIDX created during development phase should be copied to Logic App --> Artifacts --> Maps section as shown below:


 Employee.hidx file contents:



Schema Name


Name of a Schema contained in the HIDX file.


Binary Contents


Binary data representing the contents of an IBM file.

File Content


All parameters used during test execution are shown below:









The result of parsing the binary file contents.


Output rows: (Only few rows shown)

As shown below every output row data is present in ASCII Json format.

Step4: Create CSV table

Step 3 will create output rows in ASCII JSON format present in array as shown above. This step will create output records in CSV record layout format.



Output of Create CSV Table connector:

As shown below rows are converted from input json format to CSV records with new line characters \r\n at the end.


Step5: Create blob (V2)

This step will write output CSV file to blob storage.

Below screenshot shows the parameter that should be set to that file is written to blob storage.

Output converted file in ASCII Format stored in Azure storage – sample

Step6: Execute stored procedure (V2)

This step will execute Stored Procedure to perform Bulk Insert data from ASCII - CSV file stored in blob storage to Azure SQL DB.

Steps to create Stored Procedure with Bulk Insert statements:

a)  Create Table to store ASCII converted data

  WS_NAME      CHAR(30),


b) Create Master Key for Encryption



c) Create Database scoped credential

Detailed instruction to create Shared Access Signature for Blob Storage is mentioned at location: link

SECRET = 'sp=racwdlmeop&st=2023-01-01T14:02:21Z&se=2023-12-30T22:02:21Z&spr=https&sv=2021-06-08&sr=c&sig=MxeGt5ofHtestdummyg02cV%maskedcontent%3D';


d) Create External Data Source as Azure Blob Storage

CREDENTIAL= MyAzureBlobStorageCredential);


e) Create Stored Procedure to Bulk Insert ASCII converted data from Azure blob storage to Azure SQL DB

                 FROM 'azsklawrite01/file01'
                 WITH (
                        DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage',
                        FORMAT      = 'CSV',
                        FIRSTROW    = 2,


Below screenshot shows the parameter that should be set to execute Stored Procedure on SQL DB which will perform bulk insert. Connection needs to be created to Azure SQL DB by following steps mentioned at location: link



Execute Logic App to test EBCDIC to ASCII conversion results


Run Logic App to perform end to end process for reading EBCDIC file from Azure blob storage, converting to ASCII format and loading ASCII data in Azure SQL DB. Below is successful execution of Logic App.



Check Results:

  1. Check the count of rows in Azure SQL Database Table:


Record Count Output:


  1. Check sample rows from Azure SQL Database Table :


Rows from SQL DB Table Output :


Important points for Consideration

The above example is shown to provide information about important steps to perform EBCDIC To ASCII conversion using Logic App. This example is not a complete solution. Actual implementation may include Error Handling / Splitting Large files into smaller files for processing / Parameterized file names, Stored procedure etc.

  • The above example shows the output ASCII data is being written to a Table in Azure SQL DB. Users can change the database target as per their need e.g., Azure SQL MI / Azure SQL VM etc.
  • The above technical blog provides high-level guidance with no warranties with respect to the information contained herein.


  • This process does not support conversion of variable length files from EBCDIC to ASCII.
  • Copybook layouts with occurs depending on clause are not supported.
  • This process supports EBCDIC data file layout in COBOL Copybook or RPG Copybook format only.

Feedback and suggestions

If you have feedback or suggestions for improving this data migration asset, please send an email to Azure Databases SQL Customer Success Engineering Team. Thank you for your support!

Updated Sep 04, 2024
Version 2.0
  • knvsanand's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for the blog. I have followed the above steps... getting the below error "The length of the input binary data is not a multiple of the length defined by HIDX". Any idea how to fix it or validate the length of source file? Let me know if you need more info. Thanks

    • skhandelwal's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      This process works only for fixed length files. Can you please recheck if your file contains fixed length records?