Jul 12 2022 03:45 AM
Hi - totally new to AR.
More of a practical question. We were considering the application of mixed reality in the scientific lab setting. With the Depth of Field sensors at the front of the device, I imagine that using the hololens behind a face shield would impede the overlay/augmented reality experience? A few images of our personal protective equipment in the lab setting below.
Even if we were not required to wear the additional respirator, would the HoloLens experience work while using a biosafety cabinet? ie. our hands would be inside the cabinet behind the glass. We would have to turn our head to the left or right to see projections outside of the cabinet. Would we be able to have a projection appear behind the glass as if it was on the inside/back wall of the cabinet?
Would hand recognition would be limited in the scenarios pictured below?
Aug 09 2022 05:46 AM
Aug 12 2022 03:06 PM