Planner / To Do - Moving Tasks

Copper Contributor

I used to be able to move tasks that were assigned to me in Planner from the 'tasks assigned to me' section to any of my to do sub-lists.  It is now not allowing me to move them.  Has there been any setting changes or am I missing something?  Help please anyone!

8 Replies

Hi @cshea1980,


It's not currently possible to move Planner tasks from Assigned to me list to your custom lists. You can only mark them as important or add to my day.

Hi @Matti_Paukkonen!


Would you know the reason it is not possible anymore? This was an awesome feature which allowed a very organized environment. Right now, all my tasks are unde the same list and it is not easy to differentiate the subjects. 


@Matti, how do we get this feature again? this was waaaaaaay too useful to be just forgotten.
I started using Microsoft To Do and I really like it, apart from the fact that I can't move tasks from 'assigned to me' to my own custom lists. I've been trying to google solutions, but based on this it is not possible. Sad to hear that this is a feature that was removed. Similar to rafaosmari, I too think that this is a feature that should not have been taken away from the users.

Es wäre nicht nur schön sondern essenziell, wenn ich meine Tasks einfach und in alle Richtungen verschieben bzw. entsprechend taggen könnte, so dass sie in der richtigen Gruppe zugeordnet dargestellt werden. Ich habe zuvor mit TRELLO gearbeitet. Das ist ein tolles Vorbild!

Ohne diese Funktionalität fehlt für mich das zentrale Kernelement des Task Managements in einer modernen Arbeitsumgebung, dass mir (und meinen Teams) anzeigt welche Aufgaben wir wann und in welchen Projekten zu erledigen haben.

How about we get the ability to add a Planner as a sublist in To Do?

Not having this feature is the number one show stopper for adoption of ToDo and Planner in the modern collaborative work environment. Now that Loop components start to play the next level role it is crucial that people should be able to manage tasks assigned to them in their task lists. 



PS: Planner should have a similar desktop experience like MS Todo on both Windows and MAC.

If Microsoft To Do is a personal task management, this feature is a must.