Logging error in MS To-Do

Copper Contributor

When I´m trying to log in on to Microsoft To-Do I receive a message error 0xc0292007, Do you have any solution? Thanksto-do error.PNG

2 Replies

Did you have any success with this problem ?


I have the same thing.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.  No luck.  I think it's because I run multiple Microsoft accounts on this PC.,    I


I think deleting all log ins from  Windows Credential Manager - might help but  its a pain.


I have same issue after I logged in with another account. I have tried removing all office accounts in the credential manager, reinstalling to-do and nothing helps. So word of warning to anyone who wants to use to-do, never log in with more than one account. Hopefully Microsoft will solve this issue since it is completely hindering me from using a very nice app.