Kitchen Table Admin: Introduction to Microsoft Audio Conferencing
Published Oct 21 2020 04:35 PM 10K Views

Microsoft Teams Community,

We're back with the second video in our Kitchen Table Admin series, an Introduction to Microsoft Audio Conferencing, or meeting dial-in.  We get a LOT of support volume on this topic and we hope to clear up some of the most common questions and issues we hear from Teams Administrators when first setting up this feature set.


Demo starts at about 0:53 into the video.  This is level 50/100 stuff here, so if you're already familiar with Microsoft Audio Conferencing and using the feature, this information should be well known to you.  However, if you're just getting started, check out the video we hope it is helpful to you.



As always we welcome your feedback in the blog comments.  We're especially interested in topics you'd like to have us cover in a future video.

Thanks for watching!  

Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 28 2022 08:30 AM
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