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Microsoft Teams Sign Language View AMA
Event Ended
Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022, 09:00 AM PSTEvent details
We are very excited to announce a Microsoft Teams ‘Ask Microsoft Anything’ (AMA) specific to the new Sign Language View in Microsoft Teams Meetings!
The AMA will take place on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. PT in the comment section below.
An AMA is a live online event similar to a “YamJam” on Yammer or an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. This AMA gives you the opportunity to connect with members of the product engineering team who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback.
Updated Dec 13, 2022
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- JohnSteckroth
Community Manager
Thanks for joining us for this Microsoft Teams AMA for the new Sign Language View in Teams Meetings! We'll be getting these last questions answered soon. - John Erwin MagnoBrass ContributorI hope the next AMA would be live, there would be a show and tell to give more details about this feature and road map. So that we can share some ideas and insights from this feature.
- Ashes123Copper ContributorMe too! Live and VISUAL! I don't think many questions were answered. I also think it is hard to ask questions in written form. Hopefully they change this for next time.
- YangOngBrass ContributorWe're looking forward to the AI translation services for captioning. How will the AI models differentiate between the acronym "OAR" and the terms "oar" or "or". I know this is a nuance, but I like the team to think about it as they develop this service. Thanks!
- djh1965Copper ContributorI have been employed by the Federal government for many years and I have used MS Team quite lot. Is it possible for you to add a new feature to allow us change font colours and size on blackground in live caption? BTW many thanks to you for keeping MS Teams more and more accessible for us;
- JenniferEzellCopper ContributorMy organization is part of the GCC, but we occasionally have meetings with the public and we send them invitations to meetings with interpreting services. Will the web client for guests have the same accessibility options as someone within my tenant? Will they need to download the desktop app?
- Laura_JonesBrass ContributorAnother question: If we have 2 interpreters, one taking over from the other to they can each have breaks, is there an option for the main signer to be the one currently showing their video (our interpreters switch off their video feeds when they're having a break) or will it try to show both?
- elisabeth-jones
Hi Laura, good news - this is exactly how sign language view is designed to work. If a participant has multiple individuals designated as signers, and only one has their video on, only that one person will be prioritized. (So if interpreters are switching off, they can continue to just turn off their video while they're having a break.)
- YangOngBrass ContributorFeedback - will there be an option to merge video & captions into one file? Currently, video/meeting recording captions are uploaded separated and then linked to the video. The ability to merge both video and captions into one file will make it easier for users to share videos outside of SharePoint/OD/Teams(?).
- S_TullochCopper ContributorHello! This is Shawn Tulloch, Program Manager - Deaf Services in the State of Montana. Two questions -- how can we assign a captioner/transcriber to embed the captions? I appreciate the live captions but they are not always accurate. This is why I prefer to hire a captioner to type the captions. But the embedding captions is a struggle. We ended up having to use a separate browser to read the transcript (that requires two monitors - one for Team and one for reading the transcript). The other question I have is pinning (or spotlighting) the sign language interpreters, so that their video remains larger than other participants. Thank you!
- John Erwin MagnoBrass ContributorIs there a AI transcription if lets say people from deaf community are talking virtually for transcription
- John Erwin MagnoBrass ContributorDo i need to have a special license for this
- JessieHwang
You do not need a special license for this.