Testing Purview retention policies

Brass Contributor



I'm looking for a method to report on if a retention policy is actually applying - for example, we have a policy that deletes emails older than 10 years. Is there something that I can show to prove it is working?

I've looked briefly in the audit logs, but that can be tricky to navigate.

2 Replies
Dear @FishyWishy,
From my opinions, you can identify and check your policy first for errors https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/troubleshoot/retention/identify-errors-in-retention-...
Then you can test a sample account/location with shorter retention period.
Hope to receive more ideas from everyone.

Hieu Le


I've found this issue difficult in the past, but have found using UAT to test on a small batch of users to help with this. 

Also, the following link may or may not be of use:

