Purview Alerts Notify User - Can this be customised

Copper Contributor

Hi Community, 

Wanted to know for myslef and client: 
In Purview, the "Notify Users" options when clicking "View Details" when selecting a DLP alert, it opens up Outlook. Now I understand that this email is essentially a breakdown of the Alert summary. My client wants to know if this can be customised/changed to fit a template they have?

2 Replies

Hi @Mbulelo,


The original message that appears in outlook when hitting "notify users" cannot be modified but you can modify the email once it is open as a draft, which I understand is not as ideal as setting a template by default.

Hi Mike,

Thank you for this. My first port of call with this feature for organisatiosns is to let them know that it does not imporve or lower risk, instead it opens up the possibiliy of users to further understand the methods of circumventing the block actions by trial and error thanks to this notification. We have instead made a general recommendation to utilise the "acknowledgement pop-up box" instead.