New Microsoft Learn content: All about Azure Synapse Analytics




I'm excited to share the release of over 30 Microsoft Learn modules to help you master Azure Synapse Analytics and bring together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics.


The new content is available as six learning paths:

Looking for an easy access to all the learning paths? Bookmark the Integrated analytics with Azure Synapse Analytics collection we've created for you.

11 Replies
Nice you like it @mikeayus. Let us know your thoughts when you complete your first Azure Synapse Analytics learning path--or all of them ;)

@SandraMarin , Collection Bookmark link is Broken, please update it , Thanks.

Hi @SandraMarin,

I was supposed to ask a new question here until I saw this post. I've been following the DP-203 learning paths ( in order to hopefully pass the DP-203 exam, however, I find many of the Synapse Analytics modules to have exercises which don't define prerequisites, particularly not specifying where to get the data from or how to perform initial setup.

An example is this where it mentions a "Lab 08" pipeline when nothing in the module points to where this pipeline can be obtained from:

I've undergone the whole path for DA-100, AZ-900, and DP-900 and got accustomed to labs and exercises which either have a virtual lab environment within the module which can be launched or at least defines how to setup the environment on your own. I'm thinking I might just be missing something here and it is indicated somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated as I'm struggling with this for a while. This will greatly help me in transitioning from AWS to Azure.
Thanks for providing this learning path. May I ask where we can find the exercises content? The exercise provides the steps to perform but how do we perform those steps if we don't have content in our instance of Azure Synapse Analytics workspace?
Yeah, i am having the same issue with the Synapse learning modules. I've gone through other learning modules and they all mostly have concrete instructions on how to setup the exercises and many even have virtual environments available for launch. However for Synapse it's like we're left to our own devices and have to google around and hunt down these data sources, and we will be lucky to find any.
Could you create a sandbox for the online learning courses where people can do hand-on practices as found in DP-900?