MIE Expert

Copper Contributor



*MIE Experts*


Are you an innovative educator who wants to transform your classroom and collaborate with others to push the boundaries of education? Join the Microsoft Innovative Expert community and make a difference for your students and the world.


Nominations for 2023-2024 open on May 9, 2023 and close June 26, 2023. Late July 2023, emails will be sent to successful nominees. Get a head start and complete these three learning paths on the Learn Educator Center: Microsoft Educator Academy, Master Microsoft Teams for any learning environment and 21st Century Learning Design.




How to Start.




Create a Microsoft Account using either www.outlook.com or www.hotmail.com




Proceed to www.microsoft.com/learn to complete the three Learning Paths.




After successful completion of the learning paths, click on this link to nominate yourself https://msedu.eventcore.com/




Click on sign in, enter your details account created and password, then click on Add New Self Nomination.




Note: If you are Renewing your nominations here are the details that will help https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=91F4E618548FC604!18062&authkey=!ANX9B_mPav5WQxA&ithint=file%2c...




For renewal, you are not meant to add new nominations,rather login then click of renew nominations.




You are to complete all the questions and tasks given, it is very compulsory for your nomination to be accepted. You will also be require to describe the processes used to perform certain tasks on one occasions or the





Wish you all the best.




25 Replies

@thebigsmallman is the nomination period over? I did not learn about this until this week 

Hello @thebigsmallman .


Are the results out yet? Will an email be sent also to those who didn't make it?


Thank you.

@thebigsmallman results are not yet out and this is September. Why?



The results are out.

@Nathaniel58 do they also email people who have been rejected?


Yes. Those who didn't qualify will also receive an email. 

Can you plz share the new list

@Gursevak yes please. Sorry for the late response

The results are out now for new nominations ...by September 6 those that did renewals, it will be out.

@thebigsmallman thank you for the info .

Yes please kindly check your mails
I have not received an email confirming nor denying my application.
I have also not received an email confirming nor denying my application. What to do now?

@kumarsirkvgb kindly check all your emails, i'm sure it will be there. And if not you can send them a mail requesting for it email address removed for privacy reasons

The lists are not yet released. Once its out it will be shared
kindly check all your emails, i'm sure it will be there. And if not you can send them a mail requesting for it email address removed for privacy reasons
The results are out nd mails are already being sent to nominees. Though few people were rejected because they didn't make use of Microsoft tools. I hope you are accepted, and kindly share your result with us.


Can anyone check that please,our applications still pending (not approved or rejected)?

- Showcase School Application: 39625630


- MIEE Application: 39602924

- Account ID: 39402509


@atubaishat1704 the list is out, i will attach the file here for you to check whether your name or school is there. You can download the file that comes with this message.