Jan 03 2022 11:49 PM
My goal is to get your insight into the pain points through the audit process, your use of sharepoint contract lifecycle management services and whether some decision-makers would recommend any software that helps with food safety certification compliance.
My company has a stack of software. hardware that is designed to connect multiple processes like traceability to reporting.
We want to determine what’s important to the manufacturing sector and how we can improve their processes.
If you work in food manufacturing anywhere and are in one of these two stages.
*Growth Stage: Companies that are starting to target or are getting bigger deals.
*Expansion Stage: Food Manufacturers that are in the early stages of third-party certifications, including those that failed to comply and with low scores.
I would like to send you a few questions via DM to gather some data to review. The purpose to get real-life reviews on what's working, not working for you and how you would like to achieve your growth and targets.