Azure DevOps: team project for two teams using same backlog.

Copper Contributor
Need best practices from experts:
- we started our team project with one scrum team and one backlog.
- now we added a second team, later we will add a third one.
The question is:
-how to separate easily and plan the work of the 2 teams using the same backlog without losing any feature from azure devops.

Poposal 1: each team start independant Sprint? (Sprint name: team_$i_sprint_$j).
=》there is no impact later in board or in KPI?

Another proposal to manage greater or egal thank 2 teams with one backlog? (Area paths or similar?).

Thank you in advance
1 Reply
Sorry for the late and brief answer, but I detail this in my "Professional Scrum Development with Azure DevOps" book by Microsoft Press.