VMware workstation deployment

Brass Contributor

Hi everyone.

I have tried multiple things, and nothing seems to work when trying to deploy VMware workstation 16 pro...
I have tried both as a win32 app, and a self-wrapped MSI, both with parameters from VMwares own documentation, yet no success... 

Has anyone done this successfully - if so, please share 🙂 

8 Replies


Is it an upgrade or a total new installation of the vmware workstation software?

Maybe chocolatey is the way to go ?


Chocolatey Software | VMware Workstation Pro

choco install vmwareworkstation

Total new installation.
I'm unsure if the fault is that i have selected not to include the cmd parameter for the serial number.

Even so it should be possible to install the program without adding the license right away.

Maybe trying it with chocolatey like I mentioned above? we are using it for almost all third party software and also keeping it update
Chocolatey would be an option yes, but the point is that the software must be available from the company portal.
To my knowledge you cannot publish a script in there? Unless ofcourse you covert the script to an .exe file and make a win32 app from that, but that seems like a bit of a workaround.

So if you have suggestions that is not chocolatey, i'm all ears.



In my opinion chocolatey is not a work around but a nice feature 🙂

Please take a look at my blog where I am explaining how you couldd use the company portal app to let non-admin users, install software (based on chocolatey scripts)



Another option would be to use the serviceui to interact from the system context with the user session. I am explaining at the end of this blog.


Company App: Unchained - Call4Cloud

I managed to get it working with the following parameters with the package being a Win32 APP.

Parameters: VMware-workstation-full-xx.x.x-xxxxxxx.exe /s /v"/qn EULAS_AGREED=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=1"



Yes, it's possible. After several attempts I found the right settings. deploying Vmware Workstation Pro 16 with intune is OK and working fine. I'm preparing a tutorial with screenshots.


I followed the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC deployment process and applied it to Vmware:xd:


I can post the settings here if the topic is still relevant.

Sorry, my English is as bad as your French :facepalm::xd:





I just saw this post, yes, this is it.
you can add uninstall parameters, use this to find uninstall id:


get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize


note the Vmware uninstall id (exemple: {AC76DA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AD04E4200}  then use it in  intune commade :


msiexec /x “{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AC0F074E4100}” /q


you can also chek befor if vmware.exe exists on the PC by adding detection rule:


vmware rule.png