Aug 24 2020 06:22 PM
Anyone who have a guide how to resolve teams install with intune compnay portal into mobile devices.
When customer install teams only into mobile device is ok, but even if installing with intune company portal, some devices have issues like below symptoms.
Android devices :
Even if installing teams with intune compnay portal successfully to mobile devices, some devices reqeusted to installing again if customer stats teams.
iOS devices :
When iOS devices install teams with intune company portal, it makes popup for profile failure configuration.
Aug 25 2020 09:05 PM
Aug 27 2020 12:48 AM
Thank you for your answer.
Before answering your question, how can I check that device is managed or non-manged, I'm confused.
Even if I check some documents, more than ios 13.1 version required to make enrollment type in the microsoft endpoint manager page so that install install company portal on the iphone, and it also required to input managed apple id in that ios version, right?
Aug 27 2020 04:29 AM