Setting up set lock screen for all IOS Tablets

Copper Contributor

I'm relatively new to Intune and have managed to set up all 16 of our tablets on Intune.


Is there a way to set a default lock screen to these devices? I have tried this through the policies but can't find a way to do it.


Any help would be appreciated.



12 Replies

Did you try with the Device Feature Wallpaper section:

You device should be Supervised though, so should be enrolled using DEP.






I have set up like the below but it doesn't seem to be applying to the enrolled device I've set up?


Screenshot 2024-02-22 121536.pngScreenshot 2024-02-22 121415.png


Using All Devices may bite you in the bottom later... May i suggest

1. Create a Dynamic Group in Entrada, mine is call mob_Corp_iPad_Devices

2. Use this query (device.deviceModel -startsWith "iPad")

3. Apply this group to your feature policy

This limits the scope of your deployment to only iPads
If they are all Apple DEP and company enrolled
(device.deviceModel -startsWith "iPad") -and (device.deviceOwnership -eq "Company")
Throwing the Company on will prevent personal devices getting the policy.
If that does not suit what you need, then use Device Categories and base the dynamic group on that which they will choose when they enroll.
Morning Justin,

Would you be able to point me in the direction of exactly where to set up this group, very new to this area of Microsoft so not sure where to start.

I managed to find this and set the group up, but when I check the enrolled devices they still show as Non-Applicable on whether the lock screen policy is applied or not.
I changed the Lock Screen policy to enable for the group I have set up and that group says it contains this device.

Any ideas?
Yes this has nothing to do with groups, you already set it to all devices and that's fine for testing, when you move to prod and things in your environment get more complex you definitely need to think about your group structure.

As mentioned before are the devices supervised, you can check this by going yo your device in the Intune portal > Hardware device details > and check for the supervised key is set to Yes


Thanks for the reply, after checking this it shows as no.





Ok thats the reason this is a Supervised setting. Not sure if you are familiar with making devices Supervised. It is mandatory for your devices to be Supervised to use this feature, there is no way around.


There are two mechanisms: Apple Business Manager (ABM) and Apple Configurator, ABM is preferred but you need a Reseller chain. 


Apple resource for ABM:


To set it up with Intune:


Apple Configurator:




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Ah ok, yes so we purchased 16 through our supplier who set them up on ABM, these were then brought across into Intune so not sure why this wouldn't be classified as supervised?

The middle link you sent is actually the one I followed when setting them up.

Very strange



When you go to Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Enrollment Program Tokens > click your ABM conection > Devices -- do you see your devices there and to they have a Profile Assigned?


And if you go Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Enrollment Program Tokens > click your ABM conection > Profiles > click on your Enrollment Profile > Properties > Management Settings > is Supervised set to Yes ?



It seems so yes, see screenshot below.



As for the supervised toggle, yes this is set to yes.



You registered the devices from Factory in this state? Can you maybe, for test, Factory Reset one of those devices in the list? After setting up WiFi in the setup wizard do you see a Remote Management Screen, like here: