Jul 06 2023 08:43 AM
I switched over to a Microsoft 365 Business Premium account and then set up a policy for my test machine in the new Driver Update section of the Intune update section.
The policy picks up my machine and is displaying a list of available drivers both recommended and other.
However, when I release/approve the drivers, they never get deployed to my computer. I suspected initially it was because my Windows 11 Update Ring has Windows Drivers set to "blocked". However, when I unblocked it for a test run, it still didn't deploy those drivers.
Reports show nothing is wrong, so there's no errors to see. It's like there's a policy that needs to be activated/disabled before it can deploy those drivers. Anyone else have this issue?
Jul 07 2023 06:46 AM
Jul 07 2023 07:18 AM
@eliekarkafyI normally have that disabled, but I did turn it on for 24 hours and it still didn't update. However, I wasn't sure if it relied on that or not as the documentation seems to indicate it doesn't need that setting enabled (which may just be my misinterpretation). If it is required, I'll enable again and let it be for longer than 24 hours.
Jul 07 2023 09:00 AM
Jul 07 2023 10:13 AM
@eliekarkafy Thanks! I'll re enable it and test again then.
Jul 09 2024 06:52 PM