Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Intune + Apple Enrollment DEP + Personal AppleIDs

Copper Contributor

My question surrounds the use of Intune, Apple DEP (or not) and the use of personal AppleID's on corporate owned devices.


My situation is that we will be purchasing over 100+ Apple devices and the original plan was to either...

  1. Enroll devices using Apple DEP /Business Manager 
  2. Create 100+ individual Apple IDs tied to each organization email address to register on each device.

The situation we may face is that as the user was previously using their personal Apple ID on their old Apple device and have now transitioned to their new device.  With that, the user may want to use their personal Apple ID on their new device in order to access Apple Music, Books, etc (anything tied to their personal Apple ID).  


So, how can a user with a new device access this type of information if we decided to go with DEP or a newly created Apple ID registered to their corporate email address?

2 Replies

I think this is a Company policy/ process issue. You can continue to use personal Apple IDs in case you use Apple DEP for Corp owned devcies, that will be help your users retain their preferences, apps etc. 

@Shuchi Mehta Any TechNet refence for this option ?. As per Apple , with DEP devices you can use perisomal apple email id