Oct 26 2021 03:21 AM
Hi all,
I have to use a specific driver for adobe and would like to install this remotely
The files of the driver are:
I have tried to follow this: https://universecitiz3n.tech/intune/Intune-Win32-CustomScript/
But I cant seem to get it to work, any ideas on a alternative way ? Or how I can get it to work as i am unsure of which parts of the script I need to change to work for me?
Please help!
Oct 26 2021 05:13 AM
Oct 26 2021 05:53 AM
So would i only need to change the .\intel part? like I have done so below? Or is there more things I would need to change before I can get it to work with the driver I need?
#Check for path where logs will be stored if (!(Test-Path C:\Temp)) { New-Item -Path C:\ -ItemType Directory -Name Temp New-Item -Path C:\Temp -ItemType Directory -Name SU } elseif (!(Test-Path C:\Temp\SU)) { New-Item -Path C:\Temp -ItemType Directory -Name SU } function Get-Info { "[$Env:ComputerName] [$Tag] [$((Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss').ToString())] [$($env:UserName)] [$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)]" } function Exit-WithCode { param ( $exitcode ) $host.SetShouldExit($exitcode) exit } $SoftwareName = 'IntelGraphics' #Check currently installed version of driver $InstallationVersion = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_pnpsigneddriver | Select-Object devicename, manufacturer, driverversion | Where-Object {$PSItem.DeviceName -like 'Intel(R)*HD Graphics*'} #Write driver version to file "$(Get-Info) Installed version $($InstallationVersion.driverversion)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath c:\Temp\SU\IntelGraph.log #Install drivers silently $Process = start-process "igfx_win10_100.8496.\igxpin.exe" -ArgumentList @('-report c:\temp\su\IntelGraph.log', '-s') -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru $Process.WaitForExit() #Determine exit of installation based on exitcode of Intel If($Process.Exitcode -eq '0'){ #Hard reboot Exit-WithCode -exitcode 1641 }else{ #Retry Exit-WithCode -exitcode 1618 }
Thanks in advance
Oct 27 2021 12:01 AM
Oct 27 2021 12:36 AM
Oct 27 2021 02:05 AM
I have also tried to run the script manually before putting on intune and I get this? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Oct 27 2021 03:21 AM
I just downloaded the zip file.. extracted the content to the intel folder.. and run the script ?
Looks like its working as it should? The only difference is that i now run .\install.ps1 as install command... when uploading the app you need to change that part of course to powershell.exe -executionpolicy Bypass -file .\install.ps1
Oct 27 2021 04:52 AM