Oct 20 2022 05:03 AM - edited Oct 20 2022 05:04 AM
Hello Everyone,
Some time ago I was struggling to get all Assignments Intune for a Specific Azure AD Group.
This option does not exist at console, and we need to run a lot of queries at MS Graph and/or use PowerShell to retrieve.
So, to help the community I started to create PowerShell scripts to help to query some of the Assignments but, still, I had a lot of scripts each one to retrieve a specific type of items (like profiles, conditional access, apps, etc).
After a while I decide to develop a C# .NET Application to facilitate the process.
Today I want to share with all you my GIA App (Get Intune Assignments).
It's available on my gitHub page:
I hope this app can help you guys the same way is helping me and my customers.
Jun 19 2023 05:10 AM