Forum Discussion

alazarg's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 24, 2023

Deploy File to Intune Enrolled Devices as Win-32 App

I had a request to Deploy a pdf file to user's desktop and could not find clear documentation, hence here is how I successfully deployed it and decided to share is with this amazing community.

Deploy File to Intune Enrolled Devices

Deploy a file to Intune enrolled device's to "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" through Intune

Step 1: Prepare the files:

  1. The File
  2. Install-file.ps1
  3. Remove-file.ps1
  4. Detect-file.ps1

Step 2" Create an Install, Remove & Detect script & save each scripts

A. Install:

#Installation Script: Install-file.ps1

$FileName = "FileToDesktop.pdf"

$ScriptPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)

Copy-Item -Path "$ScriptPath\$FileName" -Destination "$Env:Public\Desktop"

B. Remove:

# Remove Installation: Remove-file.ps1

$FileName = "FileToDesktop.pdf"

Remove-Item -Path "$Env:Public\Desktop\$FileName"


C. Detect:  # save this in a separate folder

#Detect File : Detect-file.ps1

$FileName = "FileToDesktop.pdf"

if (Test-Path -Path "$Env:Public\Desktop\$FileName"){

    Write-Output "0"


Step 3: collect Install-file .ps1, Remove-file .ps1 and the required files in one folder as shown above and create an Intune installation Package.


PS C:\Intune\WindowsIntunePrepTool> .\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe

Please specify the source folder: C:\DeployFile\FileToDeploy

Please specify the setup file: FileToDesktop.pdf

Please specify the output folder: C:\DeployFile

Do you want to specify catalog folder (Y/N)?N


Step 4. Deploy Intune installation file with the following commands

  • Upload the IntunePackage as " App : Windows app (Win32)


  • Install Command: %windir%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "Install-file.ps1"
  • Uninstall Command: %windir%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "Remove-file.ps1"
  • Operating system architecture = select both 32/64-bit
  • Detection rule: use custom detection script and upload the Detect script created above.



Following the above steps, it is straight forward and easy to deploy a file to Intune Enrolled devices when required.

  • HappyPuffer's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    This doesn't look too old of a post so hoping for a reply. This is all great stuff. Thanks. 

    I was wondering, if its possible to modify this to place a folder on the desktop with the files in them. I ask because we use public PCs for job seekers and they want a folder of templates on the desktop. I am using the Shared User configuration in Intune and wanted to have it so the folder is there with the contents. The folder and the files are on my PC. 

  • ChrisMorris22's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Great post alazarg
    I wanted to know would your install script would work for copying a file from my C drive to ProgramData on other peoples computers by changing the destination path to being something such as $env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DesiredLocation.

    After testing this, I can confirm that this worked a treat! Thank you so much!!

  • ThanasisS's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hell, I followed your instructions exactly. I have one question: if I just want to remove the file, should I assign a group to the uninstall? If the uninstall runs, will the script you have in the detection rule stop the uninstall from completing and removing the file?
  • cliftonmason21's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    These steps are super easy to follow! I'm trying to perform these steps but with a folder but I seem to have an issue. Is there anything in these steps that needs to be performed differently when attempting to package an entire folder?
  • StuartK73's avatar
    Iron Contributor



    Hi Buddy


    Great informative post.


    How can I get this to work on a standalone EXE file that is in a folder with what looks like lots of dependencies?


    I have tried adding my EXE and it's files as well as your 2 files to the Win32 Tool but the install fails.


    Any clues?


    Info appreciated

    • DeanHufford's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      I have an application (Therefore Navigator by App Extender via Cannon) which has several Windows dependencies. It looks like I have to use Orca to modify the installation package and identify the dependencies, and manage their installation. I put a little bit of effort into it but I ran out of clock cycles and had to move on. Orac is 

  • Kay_Urban's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for the help! alazarg
    Is it possible, do use the same method for more than one file? Or do I need to to some shenanigans when its more than one file?


    • alazarg's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      That is a good question!
      To deploy multiple file using one deployment action, you can modify the install, remove and detect scripts. for example to modify "install-file.ps1"
      #Installation Script: Install-file.ps1
      $FileName1 = "FileToDesktop1.pdf"
      $FileName2 = "FileToDesktop2.pdf"
      $FileName3 = "FileToDesktop3.pdf"
      $ScriptPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
      Copy-Item -Path "$ScriptPath\$FileName1" -Destination "$Env:Public\Desktop"
      Copy-Item -Path "$ScriptPath\$FileName2" -Destination "$Env:Public\Desktop"
      Copy-Item -Path "$ScriptPath\$FileName3" -Destination "$Env:Public\Desktop"
      I hope this helps.
      • jordanpineda's avatar
        Copper Contributor



        For multiple files in one, how would you save the files to make IntuneWinAppUtil.exe take them in?
